Sticky Nuggetz
Collect Gold Nuggetz and bring them in.
Gold Collectors:
Don't get caught by the Rubba Ducky, it will kill you!
Don't get caught by the star fishes , they will kill you!
Don't fall into the swirls, you guessed it, they will kill you!
If you asked yourself what you actually are:
Once you were a gold nugget, just like all the other ones,
but then you decided you wanted to be something different.
So you chose to live. But what is life without a purpose?
Not much you thought, so you made it your purpose to collect all gold nuggetz you can find
to also give them life, so they can chose their own purpose.
So you went out into the River which was once your home and you started collecting.
Everything was fine until one day there was a loud splash and an evil beast appeared behind you.
Since that day you are running away, but you never forgot your purpose,
so you keep collecting all nuggetz you can find to give them the gift of life.
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